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[Other] 2014 Gachang Art Studio Residency Program
Date of registration

The Daegu Foundation for Culture Announcement 2013-

2014 Gachang Art Studio Residency Program


The Daegu Foundation for Culture is looking for artists for the 2014 Gachang Art Studio Residency Program. Gachang Art Studios specializes in modern art and supports international residency programs, exchange with foreign artists, reinforcing incubating programs, and local communities. We look forward to having a lot of applications from young and passionate artists for the program.


1. Applicant Guide

 ○ Qualifications Korean and overseas artists under 40 years old (as of announcement day)

 ○ Field : All areas of fine arts - painting, photography, sculpture, installation,      movie/visual media, new media, architecture and crafts

 ○ Volume of recruitment and duration:

CategoryNumbers of artistsDurationNotes



Numbers of artists





2014. 1. 2 ~ 2014. 12. 31




2014. 1. 2 ~ 2014. 6. 30



2. Requirements for the Residency Program

 ○ Abiding by regulations for Gachang Art Studio's resident artist and performing Residency Program

 ○ You have to participate in programs which vitalize thelocal community

 ○ No pets or children

 ○ Submit portfolio for archiving when entering into the studio and record documentswhen leaving the studio.


3. Support

 ○ One studio per person (with cooling and heating facility, 66㎡)

 ○ 300,000KRW for monthly support fund

    ※ Foreign artists will be supported with round-trip airfare (economy seats)

 ○ Matching with a reviewer and support for a private exhibition

 ○ Supporting application for an international residency program


4. Application

 ○ Announcement period : November 11. 2013 ~ December 6 .2013

 ○ Application period : December 2. 2013 ~ December 6. 2013 (no later than 24:00 on December 6)

 ○ Documents for application

   - Applications

    ※ Download from Gachang Art Studio's website (www.gcartstudio.or.kr)

   - copy of ID card (for Korean artists) or passport (foreign artists)

   - portfolio (up to 15 pieces of your work, and/or 5-minute video)

    ※ Please send us as digital files (PDF.JPEG) smaller than100MB.

   - Work schedule/plan during the residency program

    ※ There isn't a designated form. Make it freely.

How to apply: applications accepted by e-mail (GachangArtStudio@gmail.com)


5. Judgment and Announcement

 ○ Judge for selections: the Residential Artist Deliberation Commission

 ○ How artists will be selected:

   - Korean artists : by presentation of an artist and interview

   - Foreign artists : by judging portfolios

 ○ Judgment schedule : December 10 (Tue.) 2013

    ※ The final judging day, time, and venue for individual interviews will          be informed via phone.

 ○ Announcement: via our website on December 12th (Thur.), 2013

    ※ The results will be announced individually and on the website of the Daegu Foundation for Culture.


6. Notes

 ○ Your application will be removed from consideration in the case of willfully misrepresenting your information.

 ○ If you joined or are to join another residency at the same time during        Gachang Art Studio Residency Program your application will be cancelled.


7. Contact information

 ○ Recruiter of Gachang Art Studio Residency Program:

  •  Phone  : 82+53-767-1202

  •  E-mail  : jinhyung14@nate.com

  • Address : 795 Samsan-ri, Gachang-myeon, Dalseong-gun, Daegu (zip code:711-863)






Attachments '1' : open call.docx